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Non-Disclosure Statement

Throughout the course of your employment at L.L.Bean, you will be exposed to information and resources, considered as strategic business information and critical to the continued success of L.L.Bean. As such, this confidential information should be treated as an important company asset.

In accordance with L.L.Bean’s Standards of Behavior, you have the responsibility to acknowledge the seriousness of the information you will be exposed to, and by signing the agreement below, represent that you accept this responsibility of protecting the confidentiality of this information in carrying out the duties of your job and that you understand the implications otherwise of failing to protect the confidentiality of this information.

You agree to treat as confidential, all trade secrets, proprietary and business information (including licensed computer software programs provided to L.L.Bean on condition they be kept confidential), material and data relating to our business disclosed to you during the course of your employment which relates, without limitation, to L.L.Bean’s plans, methods, know-how, products, processes and techniques, and L.L.Bean’s customers, employees, creditors, business partners, vendors and suppliers. You will not knowingly or willingly or in return for personal or business considerations or other acts of favoritism, disclose this information to competitors or persons outside of L.L.Bean who may otherwise benefit from knowing such information.

Further, upon separation from L.L.Bean, you agree not to engage in any activity that would negatively affect L.L.Bean’s competitive position by using knowledge, information, or other resources, tangible or intangible, obtained throughout the course of your employment for a period up to and including 12 months.

This includes information related to L.L.Bean customers, employees, creditors, business partners, vendors and suppliers.

I have read and understand the above Statement of Non-disclosure and agree to willingly abide by its provisions. Further, during the course of my employment, I understand that I may be subject to disciplinary action for any violation of this statement, up to and including termination.